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  1. Accessing labeled images

  2. Accessing private notes

  3. Adding group descriptions

  4. Adding labels to images

  5. Changing the email tied to your account

  6. Do I need to save my boards?

  7. Duplicating existing boards

  8. Editing board images

  9. Editing or removing comments

  10. Editing or removing the title block that is attached to the bottom of boards

  11. Exporting to a PDF Binder

  12. Exporting to Quickbooks

  13. Finding images gathered with the Bookmarklet

  14. Getting notified when those you have shared a board with add comments

  15. How do I ensure I'm getting credit for those I'm referring?

  16. How to display the image name or details directly under images on boards

  17. How to edit details for items gathered with Bookmarklet without having to add item to a board

  18. How to restore previously eliminated items

  19. How to see the name of the board you are currently working on

  20. Installing the Wecora Bookmarklet

  21. Internet Explorer

  22. Presentation Mode

  23. Projects and Boards

  24. Share an entire project instead of each individual board

  25. Sharing boards via Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest

  26. Sharing boards with specific people

  27. Sites that aren't compatible with the Bookmarklet

  28. Six ways to add images to boards

  29. The importance of eliminating board items

  30. Turning on or off your daily activity digest email

  31. Understanding Team Collaboration Options and Permissions

  32. Understanding Wecora

  33. Utilizing private notes

  34. Viewing boards via iPhone or tablet

  35. What are groups, how do I utilize them, and can I rename them?

  36. What is Wecora all a nutshell?

  37. When will I receive credit for those I have referred?

  38. Why do I need to keep logging in when using the bookmarklet?

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